1.雄管端以粗目銼刀或砂輪沿 30~45 ?外角, 其殘留之厚度約 1/3t ,但不得小於 1m /m,(如下圖所示)。

1.Whittle the outside angle of male pipe using a file or sander in 30~45 ? theremaining edge shall be of 1/3t, but never less than 1mm ( as shown below )


2.In order to increase the joint strength please smear the primer on the inside of fitting and outside of pipe for the prim- er to adequately penetrate. The primer must be cover the joint area.

3.承口內部與管端外表,用乾布擦拭乾淨,然承口內與雄管端表面各塗佈 CPVC 膠合劑,待部份溶劑揮發而膠著性增強時,則用力插入,並旋轉 90 ?角度,使膠合劑之塗佈更為均勻。
中大口徑不必旋轉,但插入後管端可墊以厚板或角材加以輕輕槌入,大口徑亦可利用拉緊器 拉入連接。

3.Wipe clean the inside of the fitting and outside of the pipe using a piece of dry cloth. Apply vinyl adhesive in proper quantity on the inside of the fitting and the outside of the male pipe. When the solvent becomes partially volatilized and the adhesion reinforced, insert the pipe and turn it 90 ? to allow even spreading of the adhesive. Do not turn pipes of medium and large diameters. Though, after the insertion, pad in by slighting hammering in a thick plate or a corner lining into the pipe end. Pipes of large diameters may also be connected using a fastener

4.插入後可維持約 30 秒,方可移動。

4.Wait 30 seconds before removing the connected pipes.

5.如發現套接過於鬆弛時,可先塗佈一次 CPVC 膠合劑,待乾固後再塗第二次後套接之。

5.In case of loose pipes, smear the adhes- ive one more time before connecting them.